training week#2
Posted : Tuesday, March 10, 2009 by johnybravo at 10:23 am
Fortunately yesterday was a public holiday as i practically slept the whole day... slept between meals, slept after meals and slept before meals... hahaha - thats how exhausted i was, still not used to the high mileage of running for my FULL MARATHON training...
and this is just intermediate LEVEL 1 training... :p
Mon - swim 30 minutes
Tue - Run 5km (7m30s/km)
Wed - Run 8km (6m30s/km)
Thu - Run 5km (7m30s/km)
Fri - Rest (my favourite day, haha)
Sat - Run 8km (8m/km) but i only managed 6km
Sun - Run 15km (8m/km) - felt very tired throughout the whole day
Totaly mileage for the week = 39km (this is considered peanuts to others)
So as i was saying fortunately Monday was a holiday as i literally slept the whole day... hahahaha
Had a very good rest and its back to running again today...