GE 30KM Run 2009
Posted : Friday, February 20, 2009 by johnybravo at 11:43 am
The Great Eastern Pacesetters 30km 2009 run was held on 18th of January 2009. I can truly say i PIA UNTIL REALLY KAO LAT! hahaha.
It started out at 6am early in the morning, very cool and nice weather to start the run, felt so fresh. I was away on a one month back packing trip and did not have time to train except the 5-6 hours of walking everyday and climbing up and down my sleeping berth on the top bunk of the train.
So i came back a week before the run and was very excited but scared at the same time. No training and its not a 10km race but 30km! Thats like the distance of my going to work and coming back home...
I manage to pace with some friends and i manage to survive until the 25km when i "hit the wall"(a term used in running to describe that you cant go on anymore). When i crossed the finishing line with a sprint finish i was amazed at what i have achieve, as i have never ever gone that far before in my life. For a rookie with 1 year of running i was proud of my achievement that day. Here are some pictures...

Run No : A0081
Result : 03:44:56
Category : 265/321
Sex : 571/679
Overall : 652/789
Lol got time to pose also...
21/2/09 2:40 pm
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