Busy, busy, busy...
Posted : Tuesday, September 09, 2008 by johnybravo at 11:09 am
Been training hard for my next 10km marathon on the 19th of October. Going to try to beat my previous time of 56minutes.
This is going to be one busy month. Training for 10km marathon, Full Moon party, friends end of bachelorhood party, friend meet ups and more training ;)
I have reduced my weight to 77kg from 80kg. Quite happy with the results and will push for 75kg, after i reach that weight, i`ll maintain it all the way.
Some tips for ppl who are trying to lose that tummy. Its not how many sit-ups you do but how you control your diet(when i say diet, i mean control what you eat and not skip meals). You can do 50-100-500 sit-ups and you will still not get rid of that tummy. Regular training with cardio or weights is a good start or just a plain simple jog at the park for at least 30minutes. For ppl who wanna get rid of their tummy, walking for 30 minutes is not going to cut it. Get off your arse and start jogging and sweat it out.
Okay back to my weekly workout:
Mon : Leg workout(weights) + light running for warm-up and warm-down
Tue : Swim or rest
Wed : Chest and back(weights) + some light running for warm-up and warm-down
Thurs : Swim or rest
Fri : Biceps, Triceps and Shoulders(weights) + light running for warm-up and warm-down
Sat : Long jog for atleast 45minutes to 1 hours++ or REST
Sun : Futsal
As you can see i don't do so much running compared to last time as i want to strengthen my body, in that process it will help me be stronger to run better. Cross training with swimming is good so you don't over work your muscles and develop other supporting muscles. Futsal is for leisure sports and take a break from the training.
Till the next marathon, keep training and push yourself to the limit. See yeah.