Shah Alam - KOTR - 22.7km
Posted : Monday, August 11, 2008 by johnybravo at 3:36 pm

For a first timer in a half marathon, slightly longer than the standard distance of 21km(22.7km), i would say i did pretty okay...
Thanx to my marathon buddies for waiting a whole 2 hours for me to finish, haha.
A Half Marathon is not an easy task, i would not recommend anyone to run a half marathon if they are not physically prepared. My shins, ankles, knees and lower back is very very sore now... Although i was 100% mentally prepared but physically i was not up to standard.
I finished the race at 2hours 55mins, 55mins short of the official 2hour qualifying time and still i got a finishers medal. So i figured i was among the top 200-300, cause there are only 300 medals for half marathon finishers. Was so happy to receive the medal at the end of the race.
I saw many casualties of the race, some looking fitter and stronger than me. I was glad i did not experience any cramps or muscle problems. Seeing them hopping into the ambulance van tempted me into doing so as well... kekeke.
There were many runners in the VETERAN and SENIOR VETERAN category than ran a better race than me, hahaha. But that will not deter me from running another half marathon but instead a motivation to train harder.
Some highlights of the race were:
- saw a runner with shit dripping down the pants(yuck)
- the shah alam mosque
- the many roundabouts in shah alam
- the 500m signboard, hehehe
- men lining up in a row to pee at a tree, hahaha
- the very long queue at the mens toilet before the race(the womens toilet had no queue at all)
- cooling weather
Congratulations to my first timer friends who completed their first 10km race and are now hungry for more... ;)
Will see you all at the Mizuno Wave Run at Padang Merbok.