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My weekend

Posted : Tuesday, January 30, 2007 by johnybravo at 11:12 am | 2 Comments

Self explanatory


Berkelah - Survivor Style (part 2)

Posted : Thursday, January 25, 2007 by johnybravo at 11:16 am | 2 Comments

The lorry ride is a thrill by itself. You hop onto the back of the lorry, grab the bar attached to the lorry and get ready to rock n' roll! The ride takes about 15 minutes to reach the entrance of the hiking trail. The bumpy and rocky dirt road filled with massive pot holes and water holes makes the ride like a Motion Master simulation minus the comfortable seats. You have to avoid incoming tree branches from both sides of the dirt road. At the end of the ride you will have a firmer ass and a good warm up before you start your hike and not to mention the aerodynamic hairstyle, hehehe.

Upon reaching the entrance you will notice a small river cutting through the entrance with a welcome signboard. There is a small parking lot, toilets, changing rooms and a narrow tar road. You`ll also notice locals spending their weekend there, either playing water/bathing or washing their motorbikes. Due to the fact that it is the raining season, the lorry driver told me that we were the only group going in today! Its good news to me as the camping site will be empty and we would have the whole place to ourselves after many experiences with a packed camping ground and camping along the edge.

Confirmation was made with the lorry driver to pick us up at 2pm the next day. We unloaded our stuff to the benches at the entrance under a zinc roof top. Immediately everyone took out their mosquito patches, insect repellent and whatever that can protect them from insect bites, except me cause i`m quite used to it already. We quickly took a picture in front of the welcome arch and began our journey into the forest to the waterfall...

To be continued...


Berkelah - Survivor Style

Posted : Tuesday, January 23, 2007 by johnybravo at 12:17 pm | 0 Comments

January 20, 2007

The time is 3am and i slowly doze off to sleep. Last minute packing of equipment and food items were the cause for the late sleep. Food items were equally distributed into separate plastic bags.

645am and i received a call from IZSO. I did not hear my alarm clock that was set to ring at 630am and got a shock instead when i heard my mobile ringing cause i only had 3 hours of sleep. I was suppose to pick another person up and meet back at my place so that we could leave by 730am but the rest of the group was so early that they just picked me and and pick the other person up and off we went to Karak Highway.

The ride along the Karak Highway was like always, full of lorries and speeding cars. We did come across a convoy of cars going to pick up a bride to be. After 45 minutes or more we finally reached Karak Town and had our noodle and tea breakfast. We chit chatted for a while and set off towards Kuantan along the trunk road...

It took us 2 hours or more to reach Kg. Gelugor(our check point). We were entertained by Mat Rempit stuntman(even at that early hour) and overtaking of lorries and slow moving vehicles. We finally reach the small wooden restaurants beside a mosque at Kg. Gelugor its the only pitstop between Maran and Gambang, our location was raftly 46km from Kuantan.

We parked the van and i got out to meet the guy to arrange for the lorry pick up to bring us to the entrance of our camping trip. Everyone started to repack their bags but with the food items and some additional gears. The guys carried the tents and the ladies just the food items. The group comprised of 4 guys and 2 girls.

The lorry arrived and we loaded all our gear and was off for a camping trip that none of us would ever imagine.

To be continued....


Highly dangerous situation

Posted : Thursday, January 18, 2007 by johnybravo at 10:22 am | 3 Comments

Answer this honestly before scrolling down..

You are driving in a car at a constant speed.On your left side is a valley and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping pig which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it.

Behind you is a helicopter flying at ground level. Both the giant pig and the helicopter are also traveling at the same speed as you.

What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?


Get off the children's Merry Go Round. HAHAHA!
