Didn't play football yesterday due to the rain but it was good that i didn't, cause i need more rest to fully recuperate from the knee injury.
This is the third night in a row that i watched FULL HOUSE(korean series) on 8TV alone(no one to argue with, hahaha), TodsGirl had to work overtime again for the third night in a row. I thought she would be done by 12am but it ended up to be 2 freaking in the morning! I would have occupied my time usefully if not for the streamyx line being so damn slow and i couldn't even surf or login into any messenger programs.
All the International Friendlies or qualifiers for the worldcup were way later than 2am so i couldnt watch any of those as well. Its been a long time since i've stayed up so late. Staring at the monitor screen running winamp and playing some old mp3's were my only options at that point. I felt so tired and sleepy i doozed off and later got a call. I woke up like waking up from a coma to listen to the sound of the handphone ringing. It was TodsGirl, she would be done by 2am and she called me at 1:44am to give me a head start so i could reach there on time.
But to my horror i fell right back to sleep and got another call at 2:10am! I immediately got up and drove like an F1 driver all the way to KL to fetch her. I was worried for her safety as well, coz it was dark and empty at that hour. She kept calling me cause it was scary being there alone. In the end i arrive there within 10 minutes, record time :)
Along the way to KL, there were a few accidents here and there. This time round i did not see any of the usual MAT-MOTORS roaming the streets of KL. It was really quiet and peaceful at such an early hour in the morning, maybe everyone's watching the friendlies and qualifiers. Hehehe.
There were road blocks everywhere, its a wednesday night afterall (ladies night). I passed by Zouks and it was looking happening with lots of cars and people at that area. After picking up TodsGirl, we needed to go to Pandan Indah before heading home. When we got to the house at Pandan Indah, the F**KING neighbour parked his car right infront of the gate. Fortunately we did not need to park the car or move things out or into the house or else i would have had to wake up the whole neighbourhood just cause one F**KER decided to park right infront of our GATE! This is the problem with a small housing area with limited parking space and a one lane road used as a two way. I wanted to scratch the F**KERS car or use
[ izso's ] idea of plastering the car with toilet paper, ahhaha but ended up doing nuthin'.
The way back was smooth sailing all the way, with the occasional psychotic midnight drivers dreaming they are F1 drivers. It was a long long night indeed.
Got home, took a quick shower and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.