2nd place
Posted : Monday, June 20, 2005 by johnybravo at 2:07 pm
It was a long and tiring sunday morning and close to lunch time i got a call from a lady with a nice name too, Venus. She informed me that i qualified and was need to come back on sunday evening to challenge for the Lucratice grand prize, so i asked her what are the other contestants qualifying time and she immediately told me that no one had beaten my record yet although they qualified, wooo hoo, confidence boost man.
Then after sunday mornings wedding photoshoot, i went straight home to get some rest and get ready for the final challange. I reached 1Utama before 530pm, the finals was held at the same place but at 6pm.
The emcee introduced the contestants and got us to pull votes to see who started first or second or third or last. Before that we had to change our shirts into the sponsors t-shirt, the mazda t-shirt i had won yesterday, so no complains. I got position No.4, thats a good position to be in and i thought it would be an advantage knowing i will know the other contestants times.
The first contestant clocked 2:47 minutes, 2nd contestant 2:57, the 3rd fella was burned man 4:31 and ME, I got a close 2:51 minutes. It was not enough to win first prize but i won second prize.
The task this time was the same routine but with more reps on each machine except the cycling which still remains at 1km or cycling.
Task 1 - open the 4x4 car door and there were a few mens products and a face towel; put it all into a bag at the leg compartment and zip it up and close the door; wear the bag and go to the next task.
Task 2 - ARRGGHH, i hate this the most, the stairmaster(STEPS), step 40 times and move on to the next task.
Task 3 - Cycle for 1km on a cycling machine.
Task 4 - ROw 30 times on a rowing machine.
Task 5 - Open the car door and sound the horn and youre DONE.
40 times on the steps machine and 30 rows on the rowing machine - MADNESS. So i started well with putting the things in the bag and closing the door(2 of the other contestant forgotten to close the door), the steps machine intensity was increased this time and i did that without any problem. When i got to the cycling i was cycling like a mad dog man!
Everyone was cheering me on, wooo hooo... My legs were going mad. finished the damn kilomoter and wobble to the rowing machine, due to technical error(had to row the freaking machine properly, with bend knees and bar right up to the chest. Youre suppose to get good form without being able to strap your shoes onto the leg rest!) i LOST THE DAMN CHALLENGE COZ OF THIS! The girl counting the times i had rowed did not count some coz i did not did it with 100% form(heck, the rest of the contestant didnt do it either but theirs counted), i freaking wasted so much time here when i had already made it up at the cycling! When i finally finished and slammed the horn i heard 2:51 and i was so damn dissapointed.
I got out of the car and i just dropped my body to the floor and spread my legs out and lye flat on the floor. My legs was too stressed from fridays BodyPump, Saturday Challenge and Sundays challenge. My thighs were screaming for help like a lion with a torn in its foot! I had to rest and massage my thigh for a good 15 minutes or more, everyone was using cardboard papers to fan me until i recovered from the pain :) (shy shy only). Overall, it was good fun and stupid as well. I knew i was the champion anyway even if i got second place. The timing wasnt right, i was too tired from previous execises and i had to cover a wedding the morning before the challenge, what luck!
Anyway here are the prizes for second place, its just a consolation prize, its the same as 3rd or 4th place :P

The Mazda couple watch looks pretty nice and the free pilates classes at Celebrity Fitness is a Gem.
Can I have the pilates pass and the watch? please! please! Good job my friend!!
20/6/05 8:42 pm
of course you can't, hahaha. Its all mine, my PRECIOUS... ;)
20/6/05 10:41 pm
read em all! :) good job with the challenges.. u should have gotten your friend sam to take pixs...
22/6/05 9:46 am
i think i did have some pics... will post them up laters...
22/6/05 11:56 am
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