Weekend at the Tempurung Cave
Posted : Monday, June 13, 2005 by johnybravo at 9:36 am
First, abit of history about the cave.
One of the most majestic White Marble & Limestone formations in Malaysia is the Tempurung Mountain. Concealed within this limestone massif in an intricate system of caves of magnificent proportions forming a honeycomb inside the limestone hill. These caves are actually a breath-taking gallery of Stalagmites, Stalactites, Rim Stone Pools, Curtains, Straws, Flowstones, Crystals, Pillars & other amazing rock formations, which are a sample of superb speleological wonders found only in this part of the world. The cave meanders under the limestone hill forming a tunnel of wondrous and endless rock formations that run from East to West with a stream running through it nearly 1.9 KM in length. In early 1950 to 1960 this cave was used by the Communist as a hide out as there are drawings and writings (in mandarin) found on the wall at the Rolls Royce Chamber and also you will see some tools left by Communist & miners (mining for Tin) in the early 1970's at the Gergasi Chamber and a beautiful hanging rock garden at Alam Chamber.
Tempurung cave is suitable for beginners (for educational caving) as well as for the adventurous one, as you walk into this cave you will see almost all cave formations and it is one of the most beautiful caves in Malaysia.
We started our journey at 730am and headed towards the north south highway. It was a smooth and clear journey throughout the ride. Expected time of arrival is at 10am. Going at around 110km/ph we manage to reach there sharp at 10am. This place is not a very huge place, the carpark space is moderate only.There is a few food shops and a toilet with 5 showers and 5 toilets both mens and womens.
Upon reaching there you will be able to see the large entrance of the Gua Tempurung. For non adventure tourist, its one way in and one way out through the wooden and steel platforms made. We were advise not to bring anything that would get damaged by water coz we were going to get all wet or that we wrap it properly with plastic bag to avoid getting it wet. So i did not bring my camera along and therefore no pictures were taken. The adventure started at around 1030am. Before entering the caves, there was a friendly guide who was telling us that this cave has more steps than the batu caves! He was also telling us how there are crocodiles, dinosaurs and horses in there too, yeah rite! As we entered the cave, you can smell a faint smell of bat poo.
This cave does not have many bats compared to the caves in mulu. After showing us many limestone formations, the guide showed us bat poo and was telling us even this bat poo could form a picture as well, a drumstick, hehehe. A few interesting formations are the dolphin, a t-rex, smilling buddha, a pregnant lady and the common formation, a jellyfish.
After walking quite a distance into the cave we reached a point where there was a cool breeze of air flowing through, the guide was explaining to us how the wind from outside flows at the side of the cave and along the walls of the caves and spirals at the point at where we were. You could be standing on the left and you would feel no wind at all and on your right a cool breeze that was very refreshing.
The other group had to go back the same way they came from as they reached their final destination for the non-adventure tour. Imagine all those steps they have to go through AGAIN! We bid our farewell with them and headed down the long and steep stairs leading deeper into the cave. Soon we reached a flat area where the guide stopped us and asked us to turn off our torchlights and walk along the railings. He was trying to let us feel how it is to walk in total darkness and also to tell us to walk slowly when inside the cave for our safety.
This is what you call TOTAL DARKNESS, you couldnt even see the person infront of you if he was standing right infront of your face. There were not many ascends but descends instead. It was a rather flat journey until we reached the river. We had to bent our bodies down and crawl at certain points. There were a few holes that we had to go through and let ourselves down the holes. The fun part was the natural made slide and the commando crawling in the river under the stalagmites.
It was river walking all the way out after the commando crawling. At the end of the adventure we finally see sunlight and exit by the river beside the main entrance where we initially started our journey. Overall, this place is quite fun and very easy. But its not a place i would come a again, one time is good enough.
I have been to the Mulu caves before and this is nothing compared to the mulu caves. Even the bat poo smell is 100 times more pungent and the adventure caving is much more interesting. If anyone of you is going to the Mulu Caves the Clear Water Connection adventure caving is much recommended.
Some pictures from my Mulu Trip:

nice pics
14/6/05 9:17 am
Wow.. that's awesome. Just wondering how you brought your G3 along inside a cave..?
14/6/05 8:16 pm
wasnt easy i tell you, but my baby has been through thick and thin with me.... and i never once dropped it or even damaged it, it has gone the distance with me...
14/6/05 9:23 pm
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