Porridge steamboat
Posted : Monday, June 06, 2005 by johnybravo at 10:52 am

Some city scenary near dataran merdeka towards PUDU. It looks a little bit like new york or london. Anyway, took a trip down to kl yesterday night to try out a famous restaurant selling steamboat, PORRDIGE STEAMBOAT. Its your conventional steamboat with all the similiar ingredients you normally would have in a steamboat except its soup is porridge. This place is located in PUDU near Times Square.
When i got there i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw how long the queue was and the waiting list was 2 exercise book pages long; my name was at the bottom of that page. So we decided to go to the other porridge steamboat restaurants. We were too hungry to wait. The porridge they used is not as tasty but it was good enough to ease our hunger. Its a good thing we didn't wait coz when we finished our dinner the queue at the restaurant we wanted to go in the first place was just as long as when we first arrived and that was 2 hours ago...

The original destination

But ended up here...
Some pictures from the steamboat...

i found one in kota damansara, by the name MK restaurant.
6/6/05 9:05 pm
you found what? steamboat porridge?
6/6/05 9:11 pm
oh, haha.. yeah steamboat porridge..
7/6/05 9:35 pm
i want some!!! i tot steamboat porridge has always been around... i had it in PJ state before. with seafood one i think.
8/6/05 12:39 am
i think it wasnt popular back then? hahaha
8/6/05 9:09 am
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