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Enough is enough

Posted : Thursday, June 16, 2005 by johnybravo at 7:47 pm

I cant take it anymore.. i've wasted my pass 3 months of effort. From a good 70kg to now 75.6kg(my current weight stripped down to bare naked). Enough is enough, i cant stand being so out of shape for so long, its time to get up and take action.

My belly is getting to the size of a freaking basketball and i`m not even 40 yet. This is what my dad calls it "Truncal obesity", i call it "skinny fat". Damn i hate those words.

For the next 3 months i am going to workout 5 days in row to reduce my belly and weight to a respectable 70kg and after that i am going to build them muscles.

Image hosted by     Image hosted by
                    Before                                                  After

Its all in the mind, thats my motto for this challenge. I wanna be fit for life. Its time to stop being lazy and back into the active lifestyle. Wish me luck guys and hope everyone stays healthy as well.

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Blogger coconino said...

hey dude! Take a real pic of ur tummy!!! I wanna see it! Let me humiliate you a lil' bit and it will definitely crush you and buck u up again.

16/6/05 8:46 pm

Blogger Einnasays said...

which gym do you go to?

17/6/05 8:19 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please take off the before's pic, it's grosssssss...!!!

17/6/05 8:23 am

Blogger johnybravo said...

its a warning picture,i might become the next vialentino(hope he doesnt see this), hehehhe

17/6/05 9:19 am

Blogger johnybravo said...

steph: FF lor...

17/6/05 9:20 am

Blogger Einnasays said...

where where?

17/6/05 7:06 pm

Blogger johnybravo said...

FF, passport member, so anywhere also can...

18/6/05 11:06 am

Blogger johnybravo said...

yeah i know its gross, look at that hairy body, hehehe

18/6/05 11:07 am


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