Mazda Borneo Challenge
Posted : Saturday, June 18, 2005 by johnybravo at 6:51 pm
It was late afternoon and i went to 1Utama with [ SAM ], i wanted to watch a movie but he was too tired but at the same time he wanted to buy a shirt as well. So he picked me up and off we went.
We went to ZARA at first and sam met his friend who happens to be working as a Manager there, so he chatted up with her while i went to the mens section to browse at the rather GAY looking selection of clothing. Later on, we went to FCUK and TopShop.
I wasn't interested in buying anything so i went to those red benches to rest my tired legs from BodyPump yesterday. After sitting down, i noticed at the level below that there was a Mazda Event going on down there. They were promoting their newly launched pickup truck, The Mazda Borneo 4X4 Edition.
There was a competition going on as well. It was a fitness challenge, anyone who took the challenge and got the shortest time to finish the challenge would win lots of PRIZES!!!!! After much hesitation i finally took the courage to go down there albeit my aching body and see if i could set the fastest time. I called sam to inform him and off i went down.
Did the usual registration and waited in line for my turn. A lady was before me but she didn't turn up so it was my turn then. The challenge is actually very simple but easier said than done!
5 tasks altogether
Task 1 - open the 4x4 car door and there were a few mens products and a face towel; put it all into a bag at the leg compartment and zip it up and close the door; wear the bag and go to the next task.
Task 2 - ARRGGHH, i hate this the most, the stairmaster(STEPS), step 20 times and move on to the next task.
Task 3 - Cycle for 1km on a cycling machine. Double AARRGGHH for my legs.
Task 4 - ROw 20 times on a rowing machine.
Task 5 - The simpliest of all, open the car door and sound the horn and youre DONE.
We had a tour before begining the challenge, they explain all the task and get you to test out the machines as well. I was testing the rowing machine to get used to it coz you dont get to strap you feet onto it. Before i started the challenge the guy taking my time told me you shouldn't have wasted your energy testing so much on the rowing machine!(HAH, he didn't know my fitness level, hahaha). So i took in a deep breath and told him i was ready. As he blew the whistle i quickly open the door and immediately chuck all the stuff on the seat and into the bag and zip it up, slammed the door close and wear the bag while running to the stairmaster.
Up and down, up and down, i was going up and down pretty fast. The moment the counter hit 20 i jumped off the machine and quickly got on the cycling machine. I started pretty well and was looking at the counter to see how far i went, after what seems like forever, i only went 200meters. I thought to myself concentrate and stop looking at the damn counter! I looked down onto the ground and cycled as if i was doing a sprint to the finish line in the Tour De Le France. The counter on that cycling machine is those that you usually see, it switches between time/distance/energy burned(something like that), so after a while the lady who was telling me the distance was shocked that i had gone 800meters already and this boosted me to push on although my legs were super tired!
The moment it reached 1km, i GOT OFF THE BIKE, i couldn't jump anymore here, legs were killing me! A quick jog to the rowing machine and row away, this is my favourite machine. Reached 20 rows and i almost couldn't get up! It felt like i weight a TON! I manage to get to the car door, opened it and collapsed onto the seat and slammed the horn! POOOOOOOOOMPPPPPPP! hahahaha.
And the emcee got my results and said and the time to beat now is 2:20, the fastest time now! Wooooo hooooo, i had set the newest record for the day, the previous 2 times to beat were - 2:51m and 2:31m . Sheer determination was what was needed to beat those times and also "Its all in the mind". hahahaha
Thats not the end of the story! I was wobbling to walk straight and the lady promoter helped me to the chairs and i was sweating like it was the freaking raining above me! My legs were killing me like mad! The lactic acid(the intense pain felt during exhaustive exercise) was kicking in and i couldn't get up, then i quickly reached into my pocket to get my mobile to call sam! Where was that fella, so much for support! He finally arrived and help me carried the goodies bag i got. There was an umbrella as well but it was used as a walking stick! I only manage to get up after 15 minutes of sitting on that chair.
Bear in mind that i haven't had my lunch as well(suicide)! We quickly made it to burger king, i was feeling fainting and my legs were killing me, i've never felt like this before, it was like going for the triathlon man! When we got to BK, i was a total wreck, i sat on the chair and just lye my head on the table and waited for sam to get me some food. I felt tired, painful, dizzy and almost vomitted as well but in the end i manage to pull through and sort my body out after much rest.
Sam finaly arrived with my chicken tendons(i usually have the Whopper but i didn't feel like i could eat alot) and we shared the fries and i slowly consumed the tendons. Sam got me plenty of serviettes but they were used to whipe my non-stop dripping sweat, felt quite uncomfortable at that point. After some food and much needed rest we left 1Utama and i told sam dont ever do stupid things like this again, the he replied me "I didn't, you did", ass! hahaha.
Here's whats in the goodies bag - Nivea mens products, 7 days pass free workout at celebrity fitness and a Timberland RM100 voucher(WOW!!!!) Oh and a nice mazda t-shirt as well..

Mazda T- shirt
omg the tasks are wayyyyy too easy!!! I can do it tripple at any time, where should i sign up?
18/6/05 9:07 pm
but maybe not when i am shopping at the mall. hehehehe. good job!
18/6/05 9:12 pm
tat's great..u shld come for subaru challenge in spore...but this challenge more to stamina and discipline..
18/6/05 10:09 pm
yeah but it was stupid lah, wearing my jeans, no warm up and going all out = SUICIDE!
19/6/05 12:51 am
you are good man. but doing all these during shopping no not my way. So you won any big prizes?
19/6/05 11:11 am
minicat: try and see if you can beat my record or not, say so easy!
20/6/05 2:59 pm
prove it then, hahaha
20/6/05 10:42 pm
when i was walking with him to BK, he was just breathing heavily in the beginning, then around 5 min i turned my head talking to him, sweat poured down his face like raining.. just within 5 min..
21/6/05 11:42 pm
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