Project update - Front Panel
Posted : Sunday, November 26, 2006 by johnybravo at 2:23 pm
Its been one week since my last update, been busy the whole week and finally manage to get some work done without the rain pouring down.

I drew a new template onto the acrylic sheet and cut it out.

I glued a piece of acrylic to the bottom of the front panel to cover the bottom part which was exposed. Later i prepared some bondo, mixed it up with the hardener and applied it to the bottom to seal it up.

I had to fill the bottom with bondo twice so that the surface was equal to the bottom of the front panel. I also applied some bondo onto some pinholes on the front blow hole using my finger so it would be easier to smudge it on with a smooth application.

I realized that using a file to smooth the bondo surfaces was not effective and it often left chipped marks. So this time i had to do it the professional way with good old sandpaper. After lots of sanding and mosquito bites, you`ll notice how much smoother the blow hole and bottom part looks.

Using the heat from the sun to dry the bondo is a very effective and fast method. Next i prep the front panel for a layer of primer. This will make all the rough edges that need to be smoothen out with the sandpaper and areas where there needs to be more bondo applied appear. After one or two coats of primer and into the sun again for drying.
Looking at the last picture will give you an idea of how the front panel will look like.
Stay tuned for more updates...
That red primer so looks damn cool.
And I was wondering why'd you use acrylic if you're gonna spray over it? That's also why you weren't worried about sandpapering on the acrylic cuz I was wondering how'd you sandpaper it without scratching it.
27/11/06 12:28 am
using 2000 grid sandpaper and proper technique will make the acrylic smoother without much scratches... but thats not what i was going for anwyay...
The use of the acrylic in the first place, was to create a new design for the front panel.
The red primer does look cool, hehehe...
I`ll take some snapshots of the parts that needs more sanding and bondo-ing. After spraying the primer you can see all the areas appear more visibly...
27/11/06 10:15 am
eh btw, that giant blowhole in the front, do you have to cut away the circular part?
28/11/06 2:21 pm
yes, i do but thats for later....
28/11/06 6:13 pm
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