Project update - Bondo time
Posted : Monday, November 13, 2006 by johnybravo at 10:25 am
This weekend has been a fruitful one, got a lot of work done and lots of bondo-ing. The front panel stealth-ing is coming to an end, all that's left is to cut out the square hole for the dvd burner and then its bondo time...

Applying bondo on the glued areas that have gaps. The hole at the bottom where the usb panel used to be is also covered up.

After the bondo had hardened i started work on the front blow hole. I used a hot glue gun to glue the CD casing on to the front panel. Lots and lots of glue needed. Once the glue had cooled down i used a blade to cut the top part of the blow hole to make sure the top surface is flat. The gluing had to be done slowly to make sure it didn't end up too messy.

To use bondo you do not need any professional guidance. Some practice and confidence is all that is needed. After using the bondo for some time, i finally got the hank of it. Its just like smearing cream on to a cake. Just be careful and use the right amount with the right pressure applied. Look at my nicely bondo-ed front blow hole, not bad for a noob eh....

You have to give the bondo a certain amount of time before you can start sanding the bondo areas. The instructions say it will harden after 25-30 minutes but i usually give it an hour to be safe. I even tried sun baking it to make it crispy and rock hard, i find its easier to sand off. Sanding bondo is no joke, you have to wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose from accidentally inhaling any bondo dust from the sanding. Looking at the pictures above i have sanded the bondo-ed areas. The front blow hole is starting to take shape but it still needs more bondo and re-sanding.
Stay tuned for more updates...
Erm.. "Hank" should read as "Hang".
And how'd you sand the blow hole bondo without affecting the plexiglass?
14/11/06 3:47 am
yeah my mistake on the hank...
I`ll cover it with newspaper and mask it...
14/11/06 9:25 am
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