Project update - Top Blow Hole (Part I)
Posted : Thursday, November 09, 2006 by johnybravo at 10:24 am
Because i do not have the necessary tools, cutting anything on the case is considered a difficult task. I am worried that i might damage it with lots of bends and dents. Somebody buy me a DREMEL for christmas, its just around the corner, hehehe :)

I started off by measuring the length of the PSU to make sure the fan can be fitted in between the PSU and optical drive bays. An empty PSU case was used to make the markings.

The casing is turned upside down to continue with further marking.

A CM UV 120mm fan is placed inside to get the correct measurements.

Using the measurements from the bottom i could outline the boundaries for the blow hole. I used a CD to draw the circle of the blow hole cause its the exact measurements. Now time to mask and prep it for the drilling, cutting and filing...
Stay tuned for more updates...
I think photobucket is down. Can't see any of the pics. Your CPU is taking damn long to finish man.
Jocelyn keeps asking when u wanna go out yum char with naz and gang
9/11/06 9:40 pm
ME? i`m always up for it... never hear her mention anything to me also... ask her to organize one lah then...
10/11/06 12:41 am
Oh one more thing, be PATIENT!
10/11/06 12:42 am
I'm an aries.. plus I'm a horse in chinese horoscope. Both are really impatient animals.
10/11/06 1:20 pm
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