Project update - OrenSixGrillz™ (Part I)
Posted : Friday, November 10, 2006 by johnybravo at 12:58 am
I was surfing around and came upon this website - ACRYAN™ and i found a very nice looking grill, they call it RadGrillz™ (water cooling stuff).

The fan grill that i had already made will be replaced with this look-a-like grill instead.

Due to my lack of tools(DREMEL) i knew i couldnt make the exact same grill from one whole piece of acrylic or sheet aluminium(well maybe i could but it would take forever). I decided to create my very own OrenSixGrillz™.

I downloaded the RadGrillz™-Template-1x120_A4.pdf / 24KB and printed it out on a piece of A4 paper & paste it on a piece of cardboard and cut the unwanted parts out. There even are markings for the screw holes.

There are 3 parts to this OrenSixGrillz - The top acrylic, the center wire mesh and the bottom acrylic grillz. I cut two pieces of acrylic with the template design on it. I added the grill measurements on to the other acrylic piece.

Next i measured the acrylic piece onto the wire mesh that i had dismantled.

I was tempted to use my hobby cutter again but knew i would have a hard time cutting a straight line with it, so i used the old bend and press and bend and press method.

And what do you know, it worked like a charm. The wire mesh just snapped off.

The other sides were bent and snapped off.
Stay tuned for more updates...
somehow I've never imagined you to be a computer type of person. But you're doing a pretty good job so far.
Poor poor folder holder.
10/11/06 1:22 pm
I still am not a computer type of person! This is more to industrial work man! hehehe.
My only knowledge of computing is how to install the OS and the drivers i need! Anything else - don't know... heheh
10/11/06 2:33 pm
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